SPARK Forms Builder provides you with more than 100 custom tools & controls to create the perfect & interactive forms. These controls are specially created to meet your needs based on several years of forms building experience to make the forms building experience a bundle of joy.
To make it easier these controls are not only searchable but also categorize into five main categories based on the purpose of use. Simply you need to start with a new empty form and drag & drop the right fields for your needs: text boxes, radio buttons, attachments, repeaters, etc. then save and publish.

Yes, Your form is ready to use !.
The types of forms you can create with
SPARK are only limited to your imagination. For example Admission, Appointment, Application, Booking, Budget, Evaluation, Medical Records, Lab reports, Complaint Contact, Invoices, Payments, Registration, Send emails, Support, Surveys, Tasks forms, and any kind of form you could think of …
General and Input Controls

Essential Controls for all form types, you can add as many controls as you need to handle your data input, there are no limits to the number of controls you can use on the form.
The designer can group controls together inside the "Panel" control. The Panel control controls the appearance and visibility of the controls it contains.